The Holiday Season


Are you thinking about the holiday season yet? I certainly am! I start creating gift items for shops and for art sales usually in October and definitely by November. I don’t make a lot of Christmas specific items, such as decorations, but do have some colorful felted animals and birds to hang on the Christmas tree. I also make what I hope folks will find to be a good gift for themselves or others. My work can be found at the Northfield Art Guild gift shop and the Lanesboro Arts Gallery shop, as well as a few things at Kopplin’s Coffee on Marshall Avenue in Saint Paul. There are a few scarves left at the MIA gift shop and I have a huge selection in my home studio. I have lots more than scarves, of course! I have eco printed and shibori/indigo table linens, some felted wrist warmers, scarves and hats, little animals wet felted out of solid wool, so very kid friendly, unique felted jewelry, felted wall hangings, both landscapes and abstract designs, stitched wall hangings, also landscapes and abstract designs, some knitted scarves and hats, greeting cards and journals, and lots more.

My scarves and a lots of felted items will be available this Saturday and Sunday, November 24-25 from 9 am to 7 pm at 2001, A Space Art Gallery, 2001 5th Street NE in Minneapolis. I will also be participating in a home sale at 1510 Hythe Street in St. Anthony Park neighborhood of St. Paul on Friday, November 30 from 6-9 pm and Saturday, This sale is being held in a home, so don’t be shy - come on in and find many wonderful gift ideas handmade by local artists. And anyone is very welcome to come to my home near St. Kate’s in St. Paul to see what might catch their eye. If you let me know what you might be interested in, I can also send photos and we can work something out with email, telephone and the postal service.

If you have a special request, I love making items to specifications!

Here are some photos of a few available items:


Depending on the Season…